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5 Signs That Your Stress is Actually Burn Out

Sep 3, 2024

4 min read




"I am just stressed", a phrase tossed around as an explainer of why we snapped curtly at our spouse or why we fell asleep at the kitchen table or why we feel worthless because that two weeks of backlogged laundry is looming in our closet. Stress is a natural state, but compounding stress can lead to an uncomfy condition called Burn Out. Burn Out is not just simply being stressed, it is more like having your battery completely depleted. Ever tried to watch a video on your phone with 2% battery? Your phone, like your brain, begins to operate differently with a drained battery. The operating system starts to limit certain functions to preserve battery life. As you deplete your physiological battery, your brain starts to do the same, limiting functions to preserve survival. This is how we arrive at Burn Out. It is important to be cognizant of certain symptoms that may indicate your battery is depleting. There are just a few outlined below:


Task Paralysis. A common indicator of Burn Out is feeling overwhelmed by tasks to the point that you have difficulty starting anything. This inability to start to move towards tackling responsibilities compounds that feeling of overwhelm and propels towards burning out. If you feel yourself putting off tasks or having difficulty starting any, keep in mind that these could be the beginning indicators of Burn Out. 

Snap, Crackle, Pop. This is my nickname for that on edge state in which you boil over when interrupted or asked a question or inconvenienced. If your mental battery is fully charged, you may not have the same reaction but being depleted causes our patience to thin. This thinned patience can lead to lashing out at those around us. It is not only uncomfortable for those around us, it can also contribute to another indicator of Burn Out, shame

Shame Spirals. Shame is a main hallmark of Burn Out. While heading towards Burn Out, we have trouble with tasking and bristle at the presence of others, all behaviors that make a huge dent in our self-worth. If task paralysis and irritability are the kindling of Burn Out, then shame is the Costco sized bottle of kerosine. It starts to rear its head as we move closer to Burn Out and exacerbates every Burn Out symptom. Our depleted battery has a very hard time combating shame because it requires a lot of emotional capital that we do not have. If you are catching yourself being particularly harsh to yourself for mistakes, consider it may be shame tied to burning out. 

Leaning on Food or Drink or Shopping. Our emotional crutches can become heavily utilized before or during Burn Out. Eating your favorite snack occasionally at the end of long day can be a real treat, but eating a dozen donuts in a zombie state over the sink is most likely a sign that something is amiss. Research suggests that long term tasking stress lowers dopamine levels which contributes to an increase in impulsivity. Food, drinking, and shopping tend to be some of the most common impulsive coping strategies that the brain may utilize to help combat the depletion of dopamine. If you notice the occurrence of these strategies more often, it may indicate that Burn Out could be coming. 

Exhaustion. One of the most pronounced signs of Burn Out is exhaustion. Our body begins to shut down because our depleted battery can only support running integral systems. Low-level tasks, like showering or eating, consume a lot more energy than is typical and results in exhaustion. Exhaustion is not something a single good night's rest or a lunch break can fix. Exhaustion is cumulative. It is a complete wearing down of your body and occurs over a longer period of time. If you have felt a building tiredness that seemingly keeps growing, Burn Out may be the cause. 


These are just a few of many signs of Burn Out. Burn Out can look different for everyone, so what maybe a symptom of Burn Out for one may not be for all. One of the most important practices to aid in the prevention of Burn Out is to become attune to your own indicators. This will allow for intervention before Burn Out takes hold as opposed to living through it or with it. Start to create a list of signs that might be your personal indicators of Burn Out. Ask those you love or whose opinions you respect if they notice any behaviors that let them know your stress level maybe creeping higher. Once you’re aware of those behaviors or indicators, write a list of ways to help decompress or take breaks. It may be helpful to categorize the list based on strategies you can use if you only have a few minutes, a half hour, or a whole day. This will allow you to be able to pick and choose throughout the day and remove barriers to practicing Burn Out prevention strategies. Burn Out is a serious condition but by being aware and realizing the differences between it and stress can make a world of difference in preventing it. 



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