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4 Quotes That Can Build Self-Care Into Your Day In Small Ways

Sep 3, 2024

3 min read




How we speak to ourselves matters. We often forget how much power words can have on how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. Words can be the first small step we can make to incorporate self-care into our daily lives. When we hit a roadblock throughout the day, sometimes a phrase we can hang on to can help center us and be a building block to a better day. Below are a few phrases that may come in handy throughout a tough or even just an average day.

A mother and child making heart hands
Quotes and phrases are elements of self care we can easily share with others.

Move a Muscle, Change a Thought. A classic gem from my childhood, a phrase that my mother always told us, that still rings true. Breaking through the repetitive negative thinking cycle can be incredibly difficult. When you feel yourself riding the hamster wheel of obsessive thinking, remind yourself to "Move a muscle, change a thought.". A couple jumping jacks, or a short walk can make a world of difference to change our thought patterns, as well as release hormones that can help stabilize mood and reduce stress.

Just the next step. Feeling overwhelmed can lead to maladaptive coping strategy called catastrophizing or snowballing. We are met with a tough event or day and tend to start cataloging everything, big or small, we perceive as going wrong in our lives. It can be very disrupting. When you start to feel paralyzed by the avalanche your brain is creating, remember that you only need to make the next step. It can even help to repeat out loud or in your head, the next step you are planning on taking, like "just make lunch" or "just take a shower". If you start to complete tasks, it will help to break that snowballing cycle.

I'll be fine but it's not. Often, we can be confronted with issues that cause us to excuse something that we should not or downplay feelings out of reflex or a sense of safety. Reminding yourself that the situation is not fine or excusable but affirming that you will be ok can help you move through a difficult situation without excusing its effect on you. We sometimes cling to "I'm fine" to ward off any inquisitions about our current state, but over time the internalization of that phrase can mess with our heads. A quote like, "I'll be fine but it's not", can serve to not only help yourself, but also let others know where you are emotionally without divulging details you are not comfortable with.

Nobody needs perfection, they need me. Perfection is unattainable... but that does not mean we all do not attempt to hold ourselves to an unattainable standard. We forget to look around and realize that those who love us do not need or want perfection, they just want us. When we err, some of us can tend to obsess about our mistakes. A shame cycle can commence in which we punish ourselves irrationally for being human and messing up. To break that destructive thought cycle, remember that "Nobody needs perfection, they need me."

There are dozens and dozens more self care quotes that can help turn your day around. It is so important that we share with each other our successes and our helpful phrases so that they may help someone else. Comment below the quote that you have that helps turn your day around.


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